Why the program is important
Promoting healthy living and social networking, this peer initiative helps women living with mental illness to connect with other women in similar situations. This program’s success is evident in its popularity and duration – over 10 years running!
Program Highlights
The Women’s Group features monthly luncheons where the attendees prepare and enjoy a meal together. Various topics are profiled each month to help expand confidence, areas of interest and support.
Client Testimonial
1) What does Upstream’s Women’s Group mean to you? -
How your donation is put to work
Donations help to offset the cost of food, transportation, child care and educational expenses. -
Annual Program Expense
This program came to be in response to the absence of women’s mental health oriented groups in the community, and in response to the expressed desire to have a women’s only group amongst our clients.
This group offers a safe and quiet space for its participants to express themselves and grow.
“Gets me out to socialize and get away from home.” -Angela
“I really enjoy it, and being around women like myself. We talk about self-healing topics which make a difference as that knowledge is very impacting and can improve the way I see things.” –Anonymous
“Gets me out of the house. I get to socialize with other women.” -Anonymous
“That I am not alone, and other peers have the same issues.” -Anonymous
2) How have you benefitted from the following program?
“I have been able to meet more people, and it’s a great social group.” -Angela
“It’ very loving. It has given me a lot of things that I haven’t had before such as sympathy and understanding. The love and support are very powerful. Everyone is able to share their thoughts and will not get shamed. Everything has been so positive and understanding. The workers even feel like a sister or brother as they lift you up and have a lot of knowledge. In these groups I am being shown a new truth which makes a difference in my life.” -Anonymous
“We get to learn how to do new things such as cooking ideas and how to make crafts, while getting to socialize.” -Anonymous
We get to learn how to cook and enjoy the meals after. We went strawberry picking and I wouldn’t have been able to do it otherwise. Simple things that people normally do can be restricting for me, so this [program] allows me to experience new things. Whether I am doing well or not, I make myself go because I know the connections are good and positive. I like how the group is all women and we can talk about similar challenges.” -Anonymous